About Us
For over 35 years, our family has lived at Green House Farm, rearing a small herd of award-winning pedigree Jersey cows who have gained recognition at both local and national agricultural shows.

We applied for a share from the Peak LEADER Rural Grants Scheme, part of the European Union's rural businesses support, and were successful with our application.

With big changes hitting our family, including retirement and new additions, it seemed like the right time for us to look at what else we could do on our farm.
Combining our passion for our Jersey girls and the dream of having our own ice cream parlour, it seemed the perfect solution.
Awarded £13,178, what we thought was a pipe dream soon started becoming a reality and we got to work straight away, buying equipment including a commercial pasteuriser, batch freezer, potting machine, specialist fridge and storage freezer.
Since then we have created eleven mouth-watering flavours, secured stockists within the local area and even bought our own ice cream bike - available for hire, it's suitable for every occasion from christenings and birthdays, to weddings, fayres and carnivals - or any other event in need of ice cream!
Most recently we opened our honesty shop at the farm selling our own ice cream and milk and lots of local products.
Whats next? Watch this space...